Rather than outright nerfing Critical Chance or Potency (Damage and Healing) and hurting builds that aren’t really doing more than we expect, we’ve decided to move forward with a hard cap to Critical Damage and Healing. The dominance of Critical hits in ESO is by no means new, and despite the reduction to the overall sourcing of it, we’re still seeing it win out by a significant margin when compared to other stats.

“We’re also aiming our sights on reining in some of the power creep that’s been coming into the game as of late, particularly affecting PvE. “While this did help significantly reduce the overbearing success of tanky builds utilizing damage-oriented sets, it also increased the amount of damage that glass cannon and more offensive-oriented builds did by a reasonable margin.” That problem is leading the studio to implement a “new rule set for offensive item sets that have low counterplay.” Play Elder Scrolls Online“In Update 30 we introduced item proc set scaling, which aimed to lower the ease of access of ‘free’ damage and healing from them by ensuring you needed a base line of stats to make the set really stand out,” the studio says in a forum post.