
Scp 106 containment breach
Scp 106 containment breach

scp 106 containment breach

SCP-106 appears to be coded to simply walk directly at you, disregarding the laws of physics. It is still best to flee when he appears, as aside from getting him to pass through a Tesla Gate, using SCP-1499 or simply running, there is no way to stop him apart from recontaining him. If you're quiet, quick and careful, you can string SCP-106 along, evading his slow movements. SCP-106 will attempt to punch you if he hits, you will be transported to his Pocket Dimension, but if you retreat fast enough, he will fail, leaving you unharmed. SCP-106, strangely, does not appear to be able to hit you just because he initiates an attack. SCP-106 can materialize through solid walls and doors, and when he enters the same area as you, he emits a "sludge" sound. SCP-106 will search the map for you and chase you down (at a slow pace) until he kills you, unless you get far enough away. He will always spawn in the maintenance tunnels. This activity can continue for “days”, with some subjected being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture. Limited observation of this “pocket dimension” has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with entry. It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106 or a simple “lair” created by SCP-106. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: “entering” the inner wall of a room, and “exiting” the outer wall. SCP-106 is able to “vanish” inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of “pocket dimension”. SCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of some kind of acid. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to “burn out”. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues and is assumed to be a “pre-digestion” action. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. SCP-106 causes a “corrosion” effect in all solid matter he touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into his pocket dimension. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms.

scp 106 containment breach

SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition.

Scp 106 containment breach